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The month of March is famous in the U.S. because it is time for the College Basketball tournament.  This is where 68 college basketball teams out of 350 play against each other for the championship. Needless to say, it is a very exciting time for both fans and sports gamblers. Furthermore, basketball betting fans also get to join a March Madness Bracket Pool as part of the fun. However, not everyone knows how to play which is why we give you our March Madness Basketball Bracket Betting Tutorial.

Even though March Madness betting is not as popular amongst fans of sports betting in Korea, it still gets attention. This is because over $8.5 Billion in bets was made in 2019 and keeps increasing every year. Furthermore, about 70 million people took part in a March Madness Bracket contest with Millions of dollars in prizes! Hence, here is how to fill out a March Madness Bracket even if you don’t know a lot about Basketball.

March Madness Basketball Bracket Tutorial for Beginners

March Madness Basketball Bracket Tutorial for Beginners

The point of a March Madness Bracket is not to get a perfect bracket but to earn the most point.  This is because it is almost impossible to get a perfect bracket. According to sports betting odds, the odds are 1 in 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to get a perfect bracket.

A March Madness tournament is made up of 6 rounds with 68 teams. Therefore, you have to guess the outcome of every matchup for each round.  Whenever you guess correctly the outcome of a matchup, you earn points.

In the end, in of the tournament, the person in the March Madness Pool with the highest score wins!

The numbers of points will vary depending on the rules but in general, points are worth this much per round:

  • First Round= 1 point
  • Second Round= 2 Points
  • Third Round= 3 Points
  • Fourth Round=4 Points
  • Fifth Round= 6 Points
  • Sixth Round=10 Points

According to online gambling websites, a person entering a March Madness pool will pay a fee to play.  The fee can range from $1 and up and the winner gets it all.

Many online sports betting websites will include a March Madness pool during the tournament to entice customers. The advantages of entering a sportsbook competition is that they usually will have larger prizes.

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